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Frequently Asked Questions

  • When will Swimmo be delivered?

    Swimmo ships out in 3 business days from the order date. For most orders it is matter of several business hours thanks to automatic address verification.

    Delivery time differs from region to region depending on the available local courier services. We use a range of reliable shipping methods for safe delivery to you in a timely manner.

  • How to buy Swimmo watch?

    Swimmo is currently offered in our e-store and selected e-commerce partners. Due to high sales demand, we are focusing on online channels only. If you want to get Swimmo, buy online now.

  • Do you ship products to my country?

    We ship worldwide so wherever you are, you can get Swimmo products. Normally, shipping cost is paid by us only for the United States and most of Europe. In the rest of countries, there is 10 USD flat fee. From time to time we run a promotion giving all of you free worldwide shipping!

  • How can I use Swimmo for other sports?

    Swimmo doesn't measure your out-of-water workouts (e.g. run/bike) on its own, but you can connect Swimmo with Strava/RunKeeper/others to combine the information these apps store with the heart rate information Swimmo measures.

  • Where can I learn more about all of Swimmo watch features?

    See a detailed list of Swimmo features with descriptions. If you'd like to see Swimmo in action you can see Swimmo video guides. Also, you can check full user manual (PDF).

  • United States. Will I have to pay duties or taxes on top of product price?

    Your Swimmo will be free of any duties or additional taxes. It will be sent as a trackable parcel. You will receive a tracking number in a separate ship out notification.

    European Union. Will I have to pay duties/taxes on top of product price?

    Your Swimmo will be free of any duties or taxes, because your package will be sent from warehouse in European Union. What’s more, the EU VAT tax is paid by us.

    Other countries. Will I have to pay duties/taxes on top of product price?

    Your Swimmo will be sent as a trackable parcel with declared value to ensure safe delivery to you. The international shipping cost is paid upfront, but still some duty/tax may apply depending on your country.

Company information

R&D Center

Swimmo sp. z o.o.
Obornicka 330
60-689 Poznan

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